United States, Canada
April 28th, 1900
Palace Hotel, San Francisco, California
My Beloved Angee,
I am safely sheltered in the above once more – arrived from Los Angeles about 11 this Saturday morning – our train was full and with every section filled in our Pullmann last night it was anything but comfortable especially dressing and undressing. In the night we had to climb over a mountain four thousand feet high but I knew nothing of it so must have slept pretty sound, although I always feel wearied after a night in a Pullmann. Your letter expected here today has not yet come in although in the one from the depot they note at the foot – "letter enclosed" which was not done, so I am hoping to receive it tonight or tomorrow Lord's day morning.
Have been calling round to see a few of the merchants and trust I may be so successful with the work as on my last visit. The weather is fine – hotels full and business is said to be good and it looks really as if people had money to spend without limit. It was a sight to see the company here at lunch today – I fancy many of both sexes were Hebrews as they are numerous and hold quite front position here, but the ladies dresses and head loads[?] were a sight to behold – it is a walking in a vain show indeed – as if the body had only been made to display the artistic skill of the tailor dress maker and the milliner – a poor market in America for the priceless jewellery of a meek and quiet spirit. Their wealth increases enormously – there are such sources of it on every hand and such a development of them.
I have not yet been across to Oakland where the meeting is but shall hope to see them all tomorrow D.V. This is always a refreshment to my spirit – what a terrible visitation for Canada is this great fire and destruction of so much timber and houses and so many poor creatures destitute of a home. I know the spot well and have often looked down from the Parliament building over the miles of stacks of lumber as they call it along the river side. There is a large meeting there and I dare say some of the saints will be losers – so far as I can now see I shall get through this journey more quickly than expected – this place will take me about a week and by the following I should reach Vancouver, so that I may reach Winnipeg by the end of May and if so the rest of Canada will not occupy me more than 3 months in which case I should be home again by the beginning of September – how will you like this? Or would you rather I went on to China &c.? I had thought of visiting Newfoundland when at St. John N.B. but shall see when the time comes.
Lord's day morning
On awaking from a good sleep this morning I noticed some letters under my door and soon found yours among them of April 13 and dear Daisy's. Thank the Lord for all His gracious care over you all – no letter yet from Harry. I go over to Oakland this morning and must post this before leaving so must now wind up with much love to you my dearly beloved Angee, dear Mildred and Martha and all our loved ones. Believe me ever.
Your very affectionate Husband