United States, Canada
April 30th, 1900
Palace Hotel, San Francisco
My Beloved Angee,
I went over to Oakland y'day morning and it was a mutual cheer to see the dear saints once more – it was a lovely day, no need for a light overcoat even which I carried for the evening when it was much cooler especially in crossing the Bay. The Lord granted our hearts a very precious remembrance of Himself in death as we partook of His supper and in the evening we read in their regular order Ephesians 6 – I returned to dinner with a widow lady called carpenter who with her husband went to Barnstaple about 30 years ago – she had a nice villa smothered with Roses and other flowers and showed me a great kindness and hospitality – a sister in fellowship at Melbourne – a Mrs Sloman was also with her – after dinner I was led into a nice quiet little room where I rested for an hour or two and was thankful for the same. On Saturday my mouth gave me a little trouble and I could not eat without first removing my artificial teeth – as it was no better this morning I had to see a dentist who discovered that the pain was caused by an abscess forming in one of the stumps of those two front teeth nipped off by Mr Prizeman – he advised both of them being removed and it was a very painful operation I can tell you but I hope will now cease to trouble again – I have never been properly reconciled to the teeth and but for the absence of the two front ones would get on better now with what remains of the old ones. Have been hard at work most of the day making preliminary calls and trust I will have some fish in the basket by the end of the week. Should like you to see my room in this hotel – about 20 ft square and on one side of the room there are four doors – one leading to the outside of the balcony – another a room for hanging clothes - a third with a beautiful bath and WC and the fourth a room with a wash basin and towels – then on the opposite side a large window and being on the 6th floor a plenty of light and air – a massive marble mantelpiece with a mirror over – the room is about 15 or 16ft high and well furnished – am only paying 4½ dollars a day with board which is very reasonable – the beautiful balconies are built in the inside of the hotel in the square and the plants and statuary dotted about the place give it a very palatial appearance. It is quite a journey in the elevator to reach the top floor – all the centre is covered with a glass roof – it is quite a sight to look-down in the well from the top – the people walking about the bottom look so small. There are a lot of people who reside in it all the year round. But it is not to be compared to our little cottage in Vic. Rd. So I think at any rate – well my dear Angee I do hope you will be preserved in good health – it is really wonderful how you have picked up lately and I do trust you will keep well. The Lord be your daily portion – your rod and staff – what a mercy to have believed in His name and now seeking to follow Him in a world which has rejected Him. Much love to you my dearest Angee and to all our loved ones and believe me ever.
Being your affectionate Husband