United States, Canada
April 23rd, 1900
Los Angeles, California
My Beloved Angee,
Your welcome letter has come to hand this morning (Monday) dated April 6 – I see it arrived here on Saturday but was not delivered until this morning there being no delivery on Sunday. Thank the Lord for all His mercy and goodness to you and the cheer He gives your heart and the strength too enabling you to get about a little – you speak of the cold but here there is no sensation of that kind – the climate is simply perfect and I have had to take up my linen shirts and glad enough to have them. It is very sad to hear of dear Evaline's death and I doubt not her dear mother & brothers & sisters will all feel it very keenly – well she is the gainer by the change but this does not quench the sorrow of heart the loved ones left behind will feel. Poor Ada too – her case is about the saddest I ever heard of. God look in His infinite mercy upon her and the tangle she has become involved in through her unhappy marriage.
I cabled P.&F.&Co. last night and am sorry to have to decline their suggestion to visit Japan & China – this morning I have written to them pointing out that allowing a month more to reach Vancouver, it would in the event on my going bring me into China in the hottest time of the year and I feared being able then to take up their business – Mr Deavin our traveller in those parts, who had been sick in hospital in Calcutta, according to report I heard when in London has since that died in Rangoon poor fellow, I have felt much concerned about him and all that he must have passed through in a strange land – he was not married – P.F. have lost a valuable representative and I can quite understand their feeling of anxiety about their business in Asia – I would not have minded the run across to Japan from Vancouver and to Shanghai and Hong Kong but I know what would follow that – Singapore, Penang and India and that rather alarmed me especially during the Summer months. No one can tell but those who have experienced it what the physical prostration is in such a climate. I hope P.F. may find a person suitable for it – not a very easy matter but it would be a good berth for a qualified man.
We had a good time in the gospel last night and I purpose being with them again this evening – this afternoon I have a visit from the leading merchant and hope he may give me as good an order as he did on my last call – have just been laying out my samples. Tomorrow D.V. I go down to San Diego and shall then return and go through to San Francisco. My kind love and best thanks to dear Mildred for her nice letter – one is always welcome from her. Much love to you my dearest Angee and all our dear friends and believe me ever.
Your very affectionate Husband