United States, Canada

November 20th, 1898

The Brown Palace Hotel

My Beloved Angee,

Your long expected letter of the 11th inst. with enclosure from Arundel and Angie came to hand last evening and brought comfort to my heart and mind – I do not know how they were so delayed as they arrived in New York on the 19th.

I had never seen the meeting here before but found many of the brethren knew me well, some were in Chicago at the time of the Railway accident and a brother from Inverness who knew Henry very well had heard of me. There are about 18 breaking bread and the Lord gave us a very precious time in the morning around His table. They all came together again in the afternoon for a reading – several Christians from the sects also came – we read Colossians III with profit and edification – at the close of the meeting I had quite a new experience -  a dear German brother handed me a little packet of money – I told him that I had no need and begged him to take it again but he would not and said I must use it for the Lord's work, so I promised to hand it to a labouring brother now at Chicago I hope to meet in a few days – he and his wife wanted me to return with them to tea but I had previously promised the Inverness brother to accompany him – his name is Reid and their table was well filled with their own family and some French sisters. They have not had any preaching for a very long time and the gospel was announced for 7.30. They had in a very earnest way invited their friends and neighbours and the room was filled and some had to stand – it appears there are two meetings here with the Grant party and all of them came.

Well the Lord helped me to tell them the glad tidings and I trust and believe that much blessing was given – John Parks who promised to come did not appear. You can understand what a cheer it was for the dear saints – It did my heartstrings good to see them and I did feel what a great privilege has been granted me in being used of the Lord to minister the smallest comfort to those so dear to His heart. Another meeting was announced for tonight (Monday) and D.V. I go on to Omaha tomorrow afternoon at 2.30, arriving there at 8 next morning. On retiring to the hotel I opened the envelope with my 4 English letters and your own dear epistle was a special comfort to close the day.

I also opened the little packet of money the dear German brother had given to me – it contained 1 dollar – 6 halves and 4 quarters – just 5 dollars equal to 20/- of our money. He seemed only a plain labouring man. Of course I could thank the Lord for this fruit from one of His redeemed ones and for the privilege of stewardship and giving it to another.

Have done a little business for P.F. but my samples are all in poor condition and my mind is to make short work of the rest of the journey. So far I can now see shall spend next Lord's day in Chicago and I may be able to get the Cunard boat from New York on the following Saturday the 10th so it will not be long now in the mercy and faithfulness of God before we have the joy of seeing each other's face once more. He has been very very good to us both – may praise always be waiting on our lips for Him.

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