United States of America

April 5th, 1898

Fifth Avenue Hotel, Madison Square, New York

My Beloved Angee,

Your well-stamped letter reached me safely with all enclosures on Saturday last the 2nd and I was thankful that you could at the close of it acknowledge the receipt of two letters from me which had lifted a load off your shoulders. I wrote the day I arrived in New York – on Wednesday and there is another mail out on Saturday so suppose these must have reached you at the same time. I have always written for this bi-weekly service hoping you would get a line twice a week – shall hardly be able to do this after leaving here. This morning I started off to spend the day in Brooklyn chiefly for Crosse & Blackwell – it is a large place with over a million population – I shall have to make another visit here on Wednesday and on Thursday expect to start for Philadelphia – my movements must be a little more rapid then or I don't know how I shall get through the work. On Saturday last I went to a place called Newark about 12 miles from New York. I went especially to call upon a sister of Mr Williams a brother living at Streatham – I had a nice time with her and a daughter-in-law and trust the visit may be for good. Then I called upon a large grocery concern and met with a very kind reception and opened one a/c for P.F.&Co. and did some good for C&B. So the day and the week ended well thro' mercy. Yesterday Lord's day I did not go out of New York and we had no afternoon meeting so that I got a nice rest and a bit of fire in my bedroom – the morning & evening meetings were happy – you have heard me say so before that the saints are very bright in this land.

Dear Brother Whelpley had invited me over to Brooklyn in the afternoon and a few of the leading brethren were at his house to meet me – they wanted to hear about my travels of which some reports had reached them – we spent a nice time together and remained to tea – the evening meeting does not commence until 7.45 so we had a good time before – I had to decline taking the meeting in the evening but subsequently accepted a kind of compromise – the leading brother commenced the meeting and closed it just leaving me free to speak a little – singularly enough he had for the two previous Lord's day preached from John 3 16 – this was unknown to me and I was led to read the same portion with a verse or two before and beyond.

The Lord gave us a good time and this evening (Monday) I have received a nice letter from Mr Schiverer the leading brother referred to giving my heart much encouragement to hear that blessing was given to the preached word. There is a real heart with the saints here and a very practical expression of love one to another – a testimony the Lord can own and an unfailing mark of discipleship – "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples when ye have love one to another."

Before leaving London I called upon Day & Martin thinking that altho' I was not actually engaged by them for this journey yet I felt that I would continue to do them all the good in my power when opportunity offered – neither Mr Clayton the venerable proprietor nor Mr Dear the manager happened to be in so I wrote a note in their office just expressing what was on my mind. On Saturday last I received a reply from the firm signed by Mr Dear the manager and also a private letter from Mr Clayton – the one from the firm was very kind but the one from dear Mr Clayton was without any exception the kindest I ever received (outside my own circle) in my life. You remember I dare say the one dear Mr Mead wrote to me after the Railway accident in America. Mr Clayton's is a nice companion for it.

Have been plodding away with the work again today – it is collar work & no mistake. My man was ready for me this morning at 9 but the fine weather has departed and this morning it was raining heavily until about noon and I considered it would be wise to keep in doors which I did the greater part of the morning – in the afternoon the man and I started off again and I opened a new a/c with a good firm and called upon others, so had some little fruit for my labour.

There is a mail out on Wednesday so will let you have a line before the end of the week to which you will not object I know. Hope Bale will make a good job of the painting and square up the window sills nicely – those at our bedroom want it badly. The Lord comfort you with the comforts of His love my dearest Angee – give my very kind love to dear Martha and any other friends and with much to your dear self believe me.

Being very affectionate Husband

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