United States of America
March 31st, 1898
Fifth Avenue Hotel, Madison Square, New York
My Beloved Angee,
You will think I am staying a long time at the above and it is much longer than I expected but the time has been necessary although not very productive of present results. Every day makes it more and more manifest that the great lack of P.F.'s business here is the active salesman – Mr S. has not been fully alive to the necessity but I hope may now be so – he is a nice fellow – I had tea with him on Tuesday evening at Brooklyn – he occupies a flat 3 nice rooms for which he has to pay $6- a month – rather a saucy rent is it not. His wife is a sensible little woman and there is one little girl about 3 years old but very pale and fragile looking. Have been plodding on with the work in calling upon every grocer and seeking to interest them in our goods – met two this afternoon that remembered my calling 10 or 11 years ago – then our goods were in every first class store, now they are only remembered as a thing of the past and H&P hold the field which is very annoying, but unfortunately like to much of P.F.'s work of late years destroying not building. I get a lot of walking every day and feel all the better for it – the weather is very fine and not too hot so that I can get about in comfort. We had a room full at the reading meeting last night – they have just commenced the Acts and we read the second chapter. There are some nice brothers in the meeting and a lowly spirit and that is a great mercy in these days of vaunting. The Lord keep us ever remembering that we have nothing we have not received – sad indeed that a poor lost sinner should ever be puffed up by the abundant grace of God which has bestowed so much upon us. The war spirit seems to have broken out fiercely again and the people here are revolting against their President's desire for peace – I hear the question of peace or war will be decided on Monday next April 4. San Francisco had quite a sharp earthquake shock y'day which seems to have alarmed the people very much causing many to run into the streets – what a mercy to have a saviour in the Lord Jesus Christ who will soon take His waiting people to be with Himself forever beyond the reach of care –
Hope my boys will write me now and then as I shall be glad to hear of their homes and their welfare - how did Arundel get on at Stafford – well I hope. I suppose the painting and Spring cleaning are over by this time – is Clara married yet? And how do you and Miss Brittan get on with the new help? Trust the alteration will conduce to your comfort – I am writing this before retiring – tomorrow is mail day – it does not actually leave until Saturday April 2nd and I suppose reaches you about the 9th by which time D.V. I hope to be in Baltimore. Well I must conclude – trust you are in good health and spirit. God bless you and comfort your heart my dearest Angee with His love and with much love from myself and to all our beloved children believe me.
Being very affectionate Husband
April 1 – All well thro' mercy – war excitement great.