United States of America

April 11th, 1898

The Carrollton, Baltimore, Maryland. Monday.

My Beloved Angee,

Mr Sarl wired me this morning that my mail was posted today so I am expecting to receive it some time during the evening. I reached here on Friday night last and purpose moving on to Washington in the morning. Spent a very pleasant day y'day and was glad to see my old friends Dr Wylie and his wife with whom I returned from the meeting and dined with them – He has now given up all his outdoor work as  Dr. and practices only as a specialist in skin diseases. He is a bright man but says if he had my work to do he would be dead very quickly – he does not know how I can keep up with it but am really getting weary of it – I have had a hard day's work and but little to show for it – to sell our goods from our New York list is about the most unsatisfactory work I have ever had and the orders are generally very small. The Easter decorations are carried to a great extent in this land especially in the churches - as far as the show of flowers is concerned I never saw anything like it in my life – the shops where they are displayed and sold are like fairy palaces and I expect make very large sums. The weather is getting quite summer like and I expect in another week or so when I shall hope to be getting into Florida it will be quite as hot as I care for. However sufficient for the day is the evil thereof. I trust you are having nice weather so that you are able to keep out of doors as I am sure this is good for your health. I noticed a circular from Huntley & Palmers today notifying that for family reasons their business is converted into a Limited Liability Company and giving the name of several of the sons of the late Mr George Palmer and his brother Samuel as now forming the board adding also the name of a Mr Williams who has been with them in the office for over forty years and who has a brother a traveller for them. No shares are offered to the public.

Tuesday morning April 12

Your long looked for letter has arrived this morning – I am just moving in to Washington and shall read it on the train – God Bless you my beloved Angee.

Ever your affectionate Husband

I want this to go by the mid week mail

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