USA, Canada

October 28th, 1896

The Russell Hotel, Ottawa, Ontario

My Beloved Angee,

Mail day draws near again and I must begin your letter. I left Montreal this morning and had a very pleasant time in that city – both with the saints and in the business – took 8 nice orders one person I called upon called Charles Mock was a Barnstaple man and served his time with Mr Hussell at Ilfracombe – he has a splendid business and is a bright Christian too among Wesleyans and when he found I was a Barnstaple man he soon gave me an order and subsequently invited me to his house to tea – he has a beautiful house and a lovely family – he came with me afterward to a reading at a brother's house where about 70 were packed in and enjoyed it very much – we had one there the previous evening when the place was also full only like the children sometimes they wanted more – we had a large company to the gospel on Lord's day evening. Emma's brother Willie came and seemed much impressed – both he and his wife came to each of the reading meetings following and I went over to their house on Saturday evening and supped with them and saw the children – Mrs Parks seems a nice sensible woman but I fear the times are hard with them. Mr Parks came in now and then and had a meal with me at the hotel – poor fellow I felt much for him – in my room with me one day he wept and said that he heard words on Sunday evening that he had never heard before in his life. – he has gone very much like his father in the face. I thought Emma would like to know so I wrote to her saying that I had seen him.

[… end of letter…. Probably continued in and sent with letter of 29th October]

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