Malta, Egypt, India, Burma…
March 15th, 1888
Bay of Bengal, near Rangoon
My Beloved Angee,
We have thus far had a very fine voyage across the Bay and at the time I write we are within a day and a half of our destination. The calls at several ports on East Indian coast make the voyage much longer than it would otherwise have been, but the time spent at these places was interesting in showing a little of Indian coast life and trade. The shore is all sand, just like the Madras beach and the same kind of serf[?] boats are used all along and for every purpose both for passengers and cargo. At a few of the ports we had a strong land breeze with a good deal of serf so that the wisdom and skill in the building and handling of these boats was made manifest.
The deck of our ship is a sight to behold having over five hundred natives in board – a few of them are between decks, but the bulk are on the main deck – men, women and children, mostly men all lying about with the smallest rag of clothing about their bodies. They go at this season of the year to Burmah for a few months and then return – this, because the Burmese men are too lazy to work. Each native has to provide for the voyage and it is inspected before they embark. The company provide a wood fire for them so they cook it themselves.
[There may be a page missing from the correspondence here]
of ideas he would never think of me without remembering "thou art weighed in the balances and found wanting" – he was laughing at it, but owned that since he heard the word he had not been able to get it out of his mind – God grant that it may lead to his conviction and correction. My chief companion on board has been a little girl about 5 or 6 years of age who is with her Mama a lady called Mrs St Martin who is going to Rangoon to meet her husband who has a situation there. We are hoping to reach Rangoon tomorrow evening and if so shall be able to send this this letter by the English mail leaving the next morning.
Rangoon, March 16th 1888
We have just arrived and I have only time to close with a few words to save outgoing mail – was very cheered to receive your dear letters of the 9th and 16th ult. With enclosures.
This is a new country and very warm even at evening time, but I have enjoyed my dinner at the hotel and through mercy am feeling well. Much love to you all my dearly beloved Angee believe me.
Being very affectionate Husband
Many thanks for Mr Shapland's long and kind letter which I will endeavour to answer by next mail.
The pilot brought the tidings of the emperor of Germany's death this afternoon.[1]
Very thankful to hear of dear Mr Robertshaw.
[1] Wilhelm I (22 March 1797 – 9 March 1888)