United States, Canada

May 19th, 1900

Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, B.C.

My Beloved Angee,

Another week has passed and all the manifold mercy which has accompanied me in the path witnesses the gracious care of a saviour God and calling forth thanksgiving and praise from our hearts continually – at Victoria I spent two nights and one of them with a few friends over the word for mutual comfort. The voyage from that port to this City was a very lovely one – we left at 7am and had breakfast on board – arriving here soon after noon. The climate of this country is very fine just now and very much like our own in July. Yesterday afternoon the report of the relief of Mafeking reached the place. The whole city was quickly astir something like a fish cry at Newquay flag flying in all directions and music and in the evening every conceivable kind of noise that it was possible for the human voice to raise or human ingenuity could make - fire works – crackers & canon[sic]. This increased and was kept up into the small hours of the morning. The loyalty of the British Columbians is abounding and is in very marked contrast to the spirit displayed in America. A reading meeting was announced in a public hall and we had a nice company, reading Hebrews X but the noise was sometimes deafening. Two or three times a stranger came to the door as if expecting to hear something about Baden Powell but soon turned away on hearing about the Priest sitting down because His work was finished. My room at the hotel was in the front so I did not get to sleep until after mid-night but I was very comfortable in bed and my soul had been much refreshed in going over the word.

Another letter was due from you today but the mail is delayed a day on account of a "wash out" as they call it – i.e. a bridge carried away by a flood somewhere about the Rockies. D.V. I move away from here on Monday (this is Saturday) and purpose visiting some places in the N.W. territory I have not previously reached. Through mercy my business has been very good here and at Victoria too – the Hudson Bay Company have given me a nice order and the leading firm beside. They remember me of course and express themselves very kindly which helps and gives a little spring to the poor lame leg. I was hearing from a customer that when the news of the relief of Ladysmith reached here – about 2 in the morning – the people all got up and the streets where quickly filled and bands of music parading them in all directions.

I see by the papers that the excitement in London and the provinces was very great on receipt of the news from Mafeking. I don't see how Oom Paul is going to continue his rebellion much longer – the provost says that a man is known by the company he keeps – in appealing to the masses in America for sympathy he certainly appeals to the most godless, lawless and wicked people upon the face of the earth – haters of everything good. I thought y'day in walking through the streets and noticing the British flag flying that the very air of the country seemed purer than the lands where it was absent. The American may boast about throwing off the English yoke and gaining their freedom and independence but after all the Canadians are enjoying more freedom and independence today than they are as far as this world is concerned live better lives – better home life. Well I expect you have had a taste of it in Bristol – I mean the relief of Mafeking – the dear children will remember it when they grow up. God our Father bless you all and wish much love to them all and our dear ones in London and to your own dear self believe me my beloved Angee ever your affectionate Husband.

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