United States, Canada
May 12th, 1900
My Beloved Angee,
Another week has passed away and it is nearly two months since that I left home. Well thro' mercy I can say "Thus far by grace preserved". This place is quiet for an American city although there is special excitement just now both in this place and Seattle a little further North over the rush of young men going to Cape Nome – the spot where new discoveries of gold have been recently made. It is in the Klondyke[sic] district. Of course it makes a rich harvest for all the stores along this coast. Thro' mercy have had an encouraging week's work, altho' the bulk of business is small compared with that obtained in New Zealand and Australia. It makes my spirit a little sad to have to decline P.F.&Co's request or suggestion to visit Asia again – I have not yet heard from them since they received my cable but am expecting my next mail – yours among them – on arrival at Victoria, B.C. on Tuesday morning next. It is a night's trip in a good steamer – you would hardly believe me the difference there is between the American and the Canadian cities – like another race of people – the Americans are very bitter against the British and but for a different spirit among those in rule and authority the masses would rush into war to help the Boers tomorrow. The feeling is showing itself here between the American and the Canadian currency – the former refusing to receive the paper of the latter without a charge of 5 or 10 percent – now the Canadian Banks are retaliating on the American money – previous to this war each accepted the money of the other at par – the face value being the same.
The climate of this country is very good – just as England in the month of June – only their flowers are more profuse – people, especially females, in travelling are generally laden with flowers.
Have not yet seen the leading Bro' here but we have had some talk through the ‘phone – I go D.V. to his house this afternoon and am asked to baptise one of his children – the first I think. D.V. I also preach the gospel at the "Mission Room" tomorrow evening – he sometimes preaches there and on my last visit I did – it appears this room is rented by all the denominations in the place whose ministers are generally present after their regular service. After speaking on my last visit, these men each rose in turn and spoke and it was encouraging to hear their references to the Old Truth and for a moment lost their isms[?]. You may remember that these ministers subsequently sent me an invitation through our brother here to come and hold a 10 days mission, but by that time I was far away.
Trust you are enjoying the visit to Bristol – isn't that baby boy a dear fellow – I expect he will take to Granny as quickly as he did to Grandpa – give my kind love to Nelly & Arundel and all the dear children & Albert & Lizzie & all theirs when you see them. Trust you are also keeping in good health and free from colds – now to conclude once more with much love to your dear self believe me my beloved wife ever.
Your very affectionate Husband