United States, Canada

October 13th, 1898

The Russell, Ottawa, Ontario

My Beloved Angee,

I am not quite sure of reaching Toronto in time to post a letter so will leave one here before starting so that you may not be disappointed. Still getting on nicely, only the work is taking me much longer than formerly having so many calls to make among grocers, confectioners and druggists – was glad to meet the saints here last night at their usual reading and it is always a mutual cheer. One young man spoke to me afterwards asking if I knew Stephen Petter with whom he went to school at Mr Collier's of Witney. There are 60 or 70 breaking bread here. It is nearly a day's ride to Toronto – I might have gone through the night but do not care much for this sort of travelling when I can avoid it. It is cold too and can wear flannels now with comfort. The Lord Himself comfort you my darling Angee and with much love to your dear sisters believe me ever.

Being very affectionate Husband

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