South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Hawaii, Canada, USA
July 12th, 1897
Auckland, N.Z.
My Beloved Angee,
I find there will be mail to England via Australia in 2 or 3 days' time arriving in England Aug. 25 so I will drop a line before I leave here which I purpose to do in the morning – have made a finish of the work in this place today and done some fresh business for P.F. & D.&M. and hope they will be as well pleased with it as I am. The beautiful climate really helps one to work without feeling tired – I am sure I have worked as hard in N.Z. since landing as I ever did in my life and am very thankful to God who in His great mercy gives me strength and favour with the people who all seem very kind. On my first Sunday here the day I arrived I dropped in to the theatre in the evening – called the City Hall where I remember Mr Arundel used to preach. A prominent lawyer & barrister in the town preached the gospel as faithfully as I ever heard it in my life and I greatly enjoyed it and was blessed by it. It appears to be carried on under the auspices of Y.M.C.A. who are a numerous company here – I spoke to one of them and mentioned Mr Arundel's name as a friend and if the way was free I would be thankful of the privilege of speaking next Lord's day evening – so I was invited to do so and we had the largest company there last night that I have preached to since speaking in the Concert Hall at Truro – there were between 4 & 500, but the Lord helped me to speak from Luke 14 15 & 16. I recognised one gentleman in the crowd of faces I had done business with through the week and he was surprised as he told me after when I came on the platform – he waited for a little talk and introduced his wife. Just as I had finished my midday meal today I had a call from a high Church Clergyman in the place who had called upon me hearing I was a friend of Mr. Arundel's – we had a nice conversation for a few minutes and I think he is a true man – Mr Arundel is expected here sometime this or next week – I shall miss him here but hope I may meet him in Australia. I shall leave a letter for him to give him a greeting. He is much beloved in this place.
I must wait patiently a few days more until I reach Wellington to get some letters from home which I am greatly desiring to receive – I must also write to Melbourne now as I shall not get there for 2 or 3 weeks yet. Have had a busy evening in packing up my samples &c. ready for a start at midday tomorrow – our vessel calls at Gidbourne, Napier & Wellington. The Lord continue His gracious care over you and all our loved ones and with much love to each one of them and to you believe me my dearest Angee.
Being very affectionate Husband