December 6th, 1894
Imperial Hotel, Cork
My Beloved Angee,
You are very good to write me so constantly – one in the box when I came down at 8.30 this morning and another when I returned to the Hotel at 1 to write the London mail and I had only just time to pencil a few words to save that post. Sorry you are having it so foggy and that you are all of you so poorly – was rather amused when I read about dear Emma one side of the fire Margie the other and you in my chair in the dining room during the afternoon – there was a nice companion picture in Ireland at the same time completing the family group for I was in my bed room sitting before a nice fire with a silk handkerchief over my head – I felt so poorly and done up after dinner that I concluded that was the best thing to do as I feared I was in for bronchitis again – remained there until dark and then came down to tea and soon retired – I felt better in the evening after the rest - had a good night and made a fresh start again this morning with the work – got on pretty well all things considered and have been down to Queenstown and back this afternoon – it has been a beautiful day and thro' mercy I am feeling much better – what I feared was a cold has passed off for which I am very thankful as one has enough to bear every day without that. It will be nice for dear Daisy & Mildred to come up together – dear girls, it will be a pleasure to them and to the dear children with us. The same housekeeper is here that you remember and wishes to do all in her power to make me comfortable – she is manager too as well as housekeeper – it is very comfortable and D.V. I shall remain here over Lord's day.
Tomorrow Friday I have to go to Bandon and Skibberrean and hope to be able to return here again tomorrow evening but may have to sleep at the latter place if I cannot finish my business in time – the time will soon pass now and I shall be heartily thankful to return home I assure you.
I will get a copy of that pamphlet sent to you – read most of it over again y'day turning to the references in Scripture which are very numerous – glad to find that you can eat a good dinner and that you do not forget the glass of wine and trust dear Emma & Margie will soon be better. Give them each my very kind love and sympathy.
The Lord continue His mercy to you my dear Angee and to us all and now with truest love to you all our dear ones believe me my dearly beloved wife.
Your will you believe me is I your devoted Husband
Return address for posting on Saturday
Dobbyn's Hotel, Tipperary, Ireland