South Africa, Tasmania, Australia, New Zealand
February 24th, 1891
Melbourne, Feb. 24th 1891
My Beloved Angee,
Since closing my letter yesterday I have just a moment to say that I have received your welcome letter from Adelaide dated Dec. 24 enclosing one from Arundel Dec 25 – Jan. 1st – 8th & 15th and one from Eliza dated Jan. 8th.
It was a pretty good batch altogether with P.F.&Co's & others but not quite equal to the pile I received here 4 years ago when a three months' accumulation awaited me.
We had a nice meeting again last night at Prahran and I have received another very kind letter from Mr Bastan this morning who feels the sorrow of the division very deeply I am sure, but is nevertheless blinded as to what has caused it. I saw one of the Indian Extracts last night with several letters from General Haig. I should think if all the religious literature that has been written for the last eighteen hundred years were searched that such a mass of trash and confusion could hardly be found - yet this is a sample of the food now to be given to the poor scattered flock.
Doubtless Charlie would think it was very fine – with regard to his Mottoes. I wish they were in his heart a little more – like the Tables in the ark and nothing beside them – if these precious words of our Lord Jesus had been laid up in and cherished by our hearts and nothing beside them there would not be the confusion and distress seen on every hand today. However, we must stand fast and hold the simple plain verities of our most Holy Faith – The Lord's all seeing eye will mark with deepest interest – and pleasure every one thus clinging to the words He has given is and given us in our good and plain English language – I was thinking the other day that when He spoke to my soul in Arundel House more than 20 years ago, He spoke to me in a beautiful plain English words – "Acquaint now thyself with God and be at peace" – no doubt if He could make His voice heard in poor Charlie's soul He would not as in my case have to stoop down to my ignorance and speak in plain English but would have to reach up to the wonderful height of this spiritual language such as Greek. Every day of my life confirms the conviction of my mind that it is this intellectual hair splitting of the beautiful, homely words of Scripture that has ruined that which God had in such mercy separated to Himself – a dear brother in Natal who is of a most Christ like spirit and taught of God was in England last year and went one evening with his wife to a reading at Park Street expecting to have had a great treat among the luminaries belonging to that meeting. They were reading something about Eternal life but his testimony to another brother from whom I heard it was that he knew no more of what they were talking about than if he had been a Bullock. So much for their power to feed the flock of God or edifying one another. You stick to the plain word my beloved wife and the Spirit of the living God who gave that word is dwelling in us as Redeemed to God by the precious Blood of Christ, who can give our soul's understanding of that which the word speaks of. It is as dear Mr Pollock has said, we want a Reformation among us and to get back to simplicity and the fear of God – that is what I desire for myself and pray for, assured that all the wretched strife and teachings among us of late years have corrupted us from the simplicity which is in Christ Jesus.
I must close now – my heart is full of thanksgiving to God for all His mercy and care over you and all our dear ones and once more with much love to your dear self and to each and all of them believe me my beloved Angee.
Being very affectionate Husband