
South Africa, Tasmania, Australia, New Zealand

July 20th, 1890

Near Lisbon

My Beloved Angee,

You will not have to wait long for a letter as we call for a few hours at Lisbon tomorrow where this letter will be posted. You will have heard from Arundel of our ride to Dartmouth and embarking on board the Garth Castle in a regular wetting drizzling rain. The cabin allotted me was not very comfortable and on speaking to the chief steward he gave me a splendid cabin which Arundel and Henry saw and have this entirely for my own use for which I am very thankful. Have had about 22 hours now after leaving and then entered into fine weather and it was not very rough on crossing the Bay of Biscay. I feel more at home with the passengers than is the case on board the P&O boats – a more graciously vouchsafed every mercy to you and among them it is grace and peace day by day. Mr Shapland and Charlie were at the junction last Friday to say goodbye – I thought Mr S. looked very pale – the Lord preserve him and bring them through all their business difficulties. Charlie gave Arundel a letter to give me which I was not to open until on the voyage – in it he informs me that he goes with Mr Raven's teaching and appeals very complacently to me to receive it too because he is quite clear about it himself and he also pities the misdirected zeal of his dear father. I have replied saying that the more I consider Mr Raven's teaching the more I abhor and refuse it. Enough of this now my beloved Angee I commend you to our Saviour God and His precious love and care and with much love to you and all dear friends believe me.

Being very affectionate Husband

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