
Gibraltar, India, Malta

April 8th, 1890


My Beloved Angee,

Since writing you last I have been very prostrate with fever and influenza and as ill as I ever felt in my life. For some months past I have felt the work was too great a strain for my strength and after waiting upon God and committing all into His wise and gracious hands I purpose returning to Plymouth by the Clan Macarthur steamer sailing tomorrow morning – P.F&Co. will probably send you a copy of my cable to them this morning informing them of this. I am bringing Lazarus with me as I have scarcely strength to do anything.

May God in His great mercy be pleased to bring me home to you all in safety. Trust what has been done with Arundel's business may be for the best. The dear brethren here have all been very kind but are all concerned at the prospects of another division in England. I have known more of the points of issue lately than I could get hold of before and Raven's new doctrine is to me a strange voice which I do not intend to follow any more than I would follow Buddhism or Irvingism.

Tell dear Arundel to keep clear of it. I hope the meeting at Barnstaple may be preserved from such an awfully satanic confusion[?] of simple Christianity, finding alas in man and his ministry ready tools for his destroying work.

The voyage home will occupy about 5 weeks I believe and D.V. we shall land at Plymouth – with much love once more and trusting soon to see your dear face again and much love too all our dear ones ever being affectionate Husband.

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