
Malta, Egypt, India, Burma…

February 19th, 1888

Lord's Day

Before retiring to rest I will give you a little account of the day – it has been a very blessed one indeed for us all. Our first meeting was for eating the Lord's Supper at 8 am and the hearts of the few gathered to His Name had a very sweet taste of the blessedness of "There am I in the midst of them" in the very world too that had rejected Him and could look forward to a moment of yet deeper joy when that word would have been fulfilled when He would come and receive us to Himself "That where I am these may be also".  Then in the Father's House above where all His glories and worthiness will be displayed and enjoyed by those who had learnt of the Father and had to come to Him in the day of Salvation.

It was also a great joy to our hearts that one dear brother who had gone outside some ten months ago was this morning received back again and his heart appeared much broken to think that he had ever turned his back upon the Lord. After the meeting I returned to breakfast and was glad to keep in my bedroom until 2.30 to be out of the fierce sun's rays. At three I went to the Hall and found the place well filled – nearly all black faces, native Christians and some Hindoos who seemed more deeply interested, many of these people who are not satisfied with the systems of men were present. D.V. I continue to preach every evening during the week and one night in the largest Hall in Madras to the "educated natives". This at the request of some gentleman who came to me after the meeting and said he would take the Hall and undertake to get the educated natives in after the meeting. I again retired for a little rest and refreshment and got down to the regular meeting room at 6.30 pm. I found it packed inside and another room adjoining and I dare say about 30 natives outside the door. A dear brother called ***[1] who is also here on a short visit preached this evening with great power and sweetness and I, for one, felt as he was presenting Christ - that man loves the Lord Jesus Christ. He will be with us again tomorrow and on Tuesday D.V. goes on to Calcutta where I know a very hearty welcome awaits him.

We gave no announcement of any meeting this evening, but the people seemed to know where we belonged and so thronged in to hear the truth. Have not met with such manifest interest in any part of India as in Madras and I hear from others that the Lord's work severally in southern India is more encouraging than in the North. I had a call yesterday from the Rev Mr Robinson and his wife - fellow passengers from Calcutta and was offered a pulpit here today but told him I had engaged to preach elsewhere. They were very kind and much interested in my samples and I gave them a few to take away with them.


[1] This name given is unclear in the original, so a scan of the letter has been included here, with the location noted.

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