January 16th, 1895
Avenue Hotel, Belfast
My Beloved Angee,
I can quite understand how the dull weather has affected you and the tendency it produces to depression, for I have been experiencing the same for several days and particularly since being here – do trust you will soon get a little sunshine so that you may be able to go for some nice walks. I have not had any reply from Symons & Son to my letter giving a price for the Victoria Road property – was glad to receive your enclosure this morning from Toller but wish he had said a word as to how matters are now standing – however sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof – glad to hear that Harriett has returned and hope she may stay on a little while longer so that you may [be] saved the bother of a change. I have been seriously thinking of writing to P.F. (and have drafted a letter) suggesting that they should give me just the North of Devon where I should reside and occupy about 8 or 9 days a month which at the present rate will give me about £200 a year which with what we have saved would enable us to live comfortably and still help others a little – I have not sent the letter but have been praying about it and the Lord knows all that I feel and that I have not the strength physically to stand the strain and the worry of the work P.F. have allotted to me – you need not mention it to anybody else, but think it over seriously and pray about it and if you feel happy about the matter I will write to them. Much love to you once more my beloved Angee and to all our dear ones and believe me.
Being very affectionate Husband
Same address