South Africa, Tasmania, Australia, New Zealand
July 4th, 1891
My Beloved Angee,
Your last batch of letters made a singular magazine of news, but I long to be home once more that we may see one another's faces again for a little change. I wrote to P.F.&Co. some time ago saying that I should be glad to have their permission to return from Sydney and if it made no difference to them it would be more convenient for me to return via San Francisco and New York. I am expecting a reply from this letter in about another week or ten days and if it comes before the 18th inst. I should return from here via the "Alameda" – if not in time for that then either by the French mail or one of the English boats – P&O or Orient - I really do not feel equal to another trip through South African ports and should like to reach home before the summer is over. I am plodding away with the work here and hope to do some fair business, but it is downright hard work I assure you and my head feels a little queer sometimes with the continual strain. The plain truth is that I am feeling thoroughly home sick and shall be very thankful if in the great mercy of God I can have a little rest from all the turmoil. Before this reaches you I shall probably have cabled to the firm by what route I purpose to return – if via America do not come to Liverpool to meet me but only to London and I would cable to Arundel on arrival at San Francisco, New York & Liverpool. If by French mail it would be by the "Garra" calling at Port Said, Alexandria & Marseilles at each of which ports you could drop me a line addressed to the c/o "the commandant" passenger on board "the Garra" – if by P&O you could drop me a line to the c/o Commander to Brindisi and in that case meet me at Plymouth and I would send a cable from Port Said or Brindisi giving probable date of arrival there.
There is a very happy meeting here and we have been together every evening since my arrival - Mr Whitaker is also here from Melbourne. Have never seen greater freshness of heart among the saints in my life – in the mercy of the Lord, He has used all the sorrow for the awakening of fresh life toward Himself and to one another. The very truth Satan has assailed in these wicked doctrines of the Raven party are only made to be apprehended with greater clearness than ever. Many are getting clear of the snare in these Colonies, but the masses are leavened with the evil and make them boast of not having eternal life as we have always been taught and see nothing wrong in the "vile blasphemy" of the statements that Christ was not always in the enjoyment of communion with the Father – This expression "vile blasphemy" is what the Trenches[?] have both called it. Captain Barton has written a long letter to an Irish brother here in which he makes the most appalling statement of facts that have come under his observation. Nothing he says proves the terrible character of the leaven as that those who are leavened with it have lost all power of discernment of the most flagrant evil and are powerless to judge it. The only thing they can do and in that they are busy enough is to vilify and blacken all who are exposing it and by the most fearful untruths deceiving simple souls. I was deeply grieved to hear that Harry had gone near the Rackfield room – he has not written to me for many many months – has he becomes a Ravenite too?
I hope Eliza has found a good husband – she is a worthy kind creature and I doubt not will prove a worthy wife – she has waited a long time but Mr Wright has come at last, better late than never. Her mother will miss her very much I expect. Poor Edwin has soon broken up – he reminded me very much of his father the last time I saw him – trust the dear fellow is trusting in the Lord Jesus and His precious blood. We are all passing onward – quickly passing and how blessed to know and believe in Him – the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. What a price to pay for a poor wile worthless sinner – What Love.
Monday, July 6th
Mail day came again – we had a good day here yesterday although nothing new – the old truth in power is always fresh and new because it is of God – He is the God of all grace and gives us much encouragement on every hand and sets before us an open door which no man can shut. I do long to see your dear face once more and shall soon be home now in the mercy of God. Please give my kind love to Eunice and Eliza who send me so much and so constantly and all other dear friends who may remember me. And now with much love to your dear self and our dear children Arundel & Harry & Emma & all the dear little ones believe me my dearest Angee.
Be very affectionate Husband