South Africa, Tasmania, Australia, New Zealand
March 18th, 1891
Wright Street, Adelaide
My Dear Brother,
I have just received a line from our brother Arnold of York, W. Australia and he has given me your address in Perth so to him I may write any time, if led to do so. I drop you now dear brother a very hurried line so as to catch this mail. My special reason for doing so being on account of a Mr Petter who has been in Adelaide and has acted in a manner which brethren feel to be very sad. I take it dear bro. as of the Lord to write and warn you and the dear brethren with you of him. I heard also last night that he is leaving by (I think it is) the ship or steamer "Tenterden" or some such name. I may say also that Dr Glenny has received a message from the saints at the Cape warning the brethren in these Colonies as to his manner of acting there. You already know of the sad division that had taken place among us. In Tasmania this Bro. of whom I speak went and broke bread with a man who has been away from the Table and was under discipline (whose course was unsatisfactory) this other thing shews where Mr P. is in his soul. Send this message if you can to our brother if necessary. I should be glad for you to drop me a line and if I can send you anything that will be helpful to you in anything I shall be glad to do so. There is no grounds for division, I believe many will be brought back again – may the Lord keep you from evil.
Yours bro. in Christ, S. Glanville.
P.S. I enclose a copy so that you can see what they say – of course you will not say anything unless necessary.