South Africa, Tasmania, Australia, New Zealand
March 15th, 1891
Adelaide, South Australia
My Beloved Angee,
Your welcome letter of Feb. 3rd came to hand two days ago having been returned to me from Melbourne and the sorrowful tidings of dear Lizzie's death was not a great surprise – your previous letters had spoken of her illness and her dear face as I last saw it seemed to have the shadow of death upon it. Through grace and redemption however death is ours, so that the father and every child of God whose earthly house of this tabernacle may be dissolved, it is for our souls and the eternal life Lord in mercy has imparted to them, but to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord. The joy and blessedness of His presence the portion of the soul while in its unclothed state to wait the moment when our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ shall put forth His power in bringing the poor corruptible back from the grave to put on incorruption after the fashion of His own glorious body to be forever with the Lord. It gave my heart great joy to hear that her soul and spirit could say "we are Christ's redeemed" – a few lines of this same hymn was a great comfort to my dear mother when dying – To God our weakness clings – Through tribulation sore – and seeks the cover of His wings – Till all be o'er.
I see by the cables from England that you have had another severe storm of snow and intense cold – my heart has been crying to God for you all as I dare say you have had a taste of it, but I do trust that you have all been preserved harmless. It is quite exceptional to get such storms, so far advanced into the Spring. You will have been at Ilfracombe and perhaps are still there and I doubt not have had all the comforts Eliza's hand and heart could give you – I had a letter from Henry too last week and find that he and Zoe are at Ilfracombe again. Henry had not heard of dear Lizzie's departure when he closed his letter – a few words were added on the back of the envelope that Charlie was very anxious as to her state. But all is over now and her happy spirit knows the blessedness of the truth conveyed in those words of the hymn "We are by Christ redeemed".
It is not surprising to me that poor Henry's spirit should be so troubled and neither he nor I have the power to conceal what our hearts deeply feel either sorrow or joy. I do not conceal that my sorrow is very great as I think of one of my children engulfed in the devastating flood of error brought in by Mr Raven and his party and I know Henry's feelings about it because I know my own. While in England I had little apprehension of the serious character of it but it comes out here in all its blackness and horror – one of the leading brethren here yesterday contended with me that Jesus Christ never "had an existence" until the babe was born of the virgin.[1] I asked him if Jehovah of the Old Testament was not the Jesus of the New – his answer was "who was Jehovah?" No sorrow upon this earth could ever compare to the anguish of heart felt by one to whom that blessed Saviour had been made known, to see him slighted insulted, dissected by those who should only worship and adore. Thank God He has lifted up a standard and around that through His grace and as strengthened by Him I must stand to the death. Thank God too that He has preserved a few who with loyal hearts are found rallying around that standard – His word – His name – That's the banner God has given us.
I purpose if the Lord will leaving here on the 19th for Albany in Western Australia. Through mercy I have had great encouragements in the business during the past week. Three of the best retailers have given me nice orders but one of the best wholesale houses has taken up our goods and given me a very large order paying in cash in London for the same and he seems quite disposed to take up our things in earnest. They have nine travellers and their principal traveller is a Penzance man called Pearce who knows our goods well and with whom I have got on nicely.
I see by the papers the arrival of Mark Guy Pearse to these parts who is being greatly lionised in Adelaide.
I am very thankful the very hot weather we have been having here has now passed and the change to cooler is most refreshing – through his continued mercy God preserves me in good health and I get on happily with my work and am just as well pleased to do a little job of packing up myself as to have it done for me. The expense of having Lazarus here would have been great as I anticipated and the money goes quite fast enough without him. I want an amanuensis more than Lazarus – I have now today put aside much of my correspondence which I could not possibly answer without impinging seriously upon time that belongs to P.F.&Co. business. As a rule I am not much in the mood for letter writing after the day's work and it is only in the early mornings that I have power to take it up at all. I enjoy my food and sleep well no small mercies indeed and through the grace and mercy of God our Father prove His gracious sustainment and strength day by day. But with all this I long for the rest of home – this as far as earth is concerned is only for a little while, but its mercies ever fresh from the good hand of our father are very real, while a more perfect and enduring Rest awaits us in the many mansions above, waiting and ready to be tenanted with all that a saviour God can give and while we wait in the home down here we can sing thro' grace – "Called to share the Rest of God in the Father's Blest abode – God of Love and God of Light – In Thy praises we unite".
I expect Harry has found it rather difficult to work through the snow storm – how is it that he does not write me? I am always comforted to get a letter from any of my home correspondents and if they saw my daily work they would not think it was neglectful if I did not answer then directly. You, my dear Angee, are certainly a most constant correspondent. Well I am nearly to the end of my tether of paper and must as we used to say at school draw to a close. A full cargo of love as usual to you my dearly beloved wife dear Arundel and Harry and Emma and all the darling children and all dear friends at Ilfracombe and Barnstaple not forgetting the few despised ones at the room and believe me.
Your affectionate Husband
Mar. 17th - all well. Just leaving for W. Australia.
[1] Cf. "By 1929, it was alleged that Taylor was denying one of the main orthodoxies of Christianity, that Christ the Son was truly God before his incarnation. In fact Taylor had merely pointed out that the title of the 'Son' was not used till after the incarnation, pointing to John 1 as the 'Word', not the 'Son' This was reflected in the issuing in 1932 of a new version of the Little Flock hymnbook, always a touchstone of Brethrenism. 40% of the hymns in the older version were omitted as "inconsistent with the truth"." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exclusive_Brethren. Retrieved 14th October 2013.