Gibraltar, Algeria, Malta, Egypt, India, Burma, Singapore, China, Japan, Korea, Russia
July 3rd, 1889
My Beloved Angee,
I was glad to receive your welcome letter of May 23rd yesterday – it had been sent from Hong Kong to Nagasaki and that port to this place so that it had a plenty of travelling before it reached me. The enclosure from our dear Daisy to was a comfort and marks some good progress in her schooling. How I do long to be home once more so that I may once more see all your dear faces, but must patiently plod along for a little while more although it is trying now that the hot weather is upon us. Some days it is simply overpowering and I am obliged to keep in doors. You may judge what it is when I had to change all my clothes three times in one day that even my white trousers were as though I had been dipped in the sea, especially about the body. If the Lord will I purpose saying good bye to Shanghai tomorrow and Foochow, Amoy[?] and Hong Kong but shall not attempt such places as Manila under the circumstances. From Hong Kong I purpose getting down to Java and Australia as quickly as possible where I hope the weather will be a little wise genial. You cannot imagine the exhaustion it occasions and when the glass is standing at 95 in the shade with a very moist atmosphere it is literally like being boiled or steamed. Early mornings and evenings cool down a little, through mercy I keep in good health in spite of it.
Have not done any fresh business here – I was hoping that on my return from Siberia the goods I sold on my first visit would have arrived and many of the merchants would doubtless have given repeat orders. Many of them however have received their invoices and the ship bringing the cargo is somewhere between Singapore and here but may be another fortnight before it reaches this port having to stop at Hong Kong, so that I have decided not to wait. P.F. will be well displayed when the goods do arrive, and I hope will be appreciated and lead to a steady business.
It was a great cheer to my spirit to get among the Lord's people again last Sunday I spoke a little in the Russian room in the evening. On Monday dear Mr Hunter invited many to his house for a reading and we had a good meeting. They had thrown two large rooms into one and the place was filled, about 60 being present. Their interest in the truth is deeply interesting and I trust the Lord may soon have a company around Himself in Shanghai. The next evening we had another meeting at a Mr Cranston's and again many were present. The missionaries are generally among the company and are noble men and women indeed. Shanghai is a sort of centre and there are always some arriving from various parts of the interior after long years of absence and it appears to be a peculiar refreshment to their spirits to hear a little of the truth from the lips of a European. I have felt much drawn to them and it is good to see those in whose hearts there is such love for souls and who are so used of God to bring to Christ. I have sought to bring a little dispensational truth before them especially the present work of God's grace in calling out the Church. I have been surprised to see how few of them know what the sinner is saved for – what he is brought into even to be part of that body of which Christ is the Head – the fullness of Him that filleth all in all. The old Wesleyan idea of the world being converted through the preaching is held by many but some have been simple and acknowledge that they had never seen it before so that I am encouraged in hoping that many will be exercised and may be led into an acquaintance with the truth.
I have received great kindness from the saints here – on Monday last just as I had changed my clothing for the third time up to 4pm a gentleman who had attended all the meetings and is a believer called with his carriage and gave me a nice ride which was most refreshing – the following day dear Mr & Mrs Hunter got a carriage and gave me another drive – their love and hospitality is unbounded – am obliged to get out soon after breakfast as callers are rather numerous and others hinder my work although I have not much business to do now, but I keep out among the merchants and keep P.F. well before their minds.
I am glad to hear you have got enough to pay off one of the mortgages but I do not wish you to deprive yourself of one comfort mind and would be grieved if I thought you were doing so – I will write Arundel about the matter – I can quite understand how you will enjoy to get the beautiful sea breeze – what I would give to be there too – the heat is terrible here. I wrote the greater part of this letter early this morning, but now it is midday and like a furnace everywhere.
The Lord continues His gracious consolations and comforts to you my beloved Angee – it delights my heart to think of your love toward our dear children and dear Daisy's letter is a testimony of its appreciation by their young hearts – God our Father be praised for all His gracious care and goodness to us all and I do increasingly remember you in prayer, with thanksgiving too. Give my kind love to all the dear brethren at Ilfracombe, dear Mr Shapland especially and also to Henry and Zoe if they are still there, but I expect they will have returned to Ealing before this.
July 4th 5.45am
Must now bring my letter to a close – I have written Arundel about the little business matter and leave it in your hands to do as seems best. If the weather continues long as it is now I shall return home but trust I may find it not so oppressive in the South and then may hope to keep on. The Lord continue His mercy to us all – now with much love to your dear self and all dear friends believe me my beloved Angee.
Being very affectionate Husband