Gibraltar, Algeria, Malta, Egypt, India, Burma, Singapore, China, Japan, Korea, Russia
March 25th, 1889
Shanghai, Monday morning
My Beloved Angee,
You first letter from London came to hand here on Saturday brought by my old friend the "Ganges" and am thankful to hear of your safe arrival and that you find everything so comfortable. Was sorry to find however from dear Emma's note enclosed that you had renewed your cold but trust it may soon pass away again. Thankful too for tidings of the Lord's continued mercy and care over our dear ones in Barnstaple which a letter from Arundel brings. You speak about the cold weather at home and thankful enough am I that we have the same here and I do enjoy it thoroughly and shall be sorry to leave it for the tropics again but I have proved the gracious care of God in a real variety of circumstances and climates and blessed to know that with Him The Father of Lights there is no change neither shadow of turning and His mercy and power can keep us in the hot as well as in the cold weather.
Had a nice time among the dear missionaries again last Saturday evening and before going with them had tea with a gentleman (Mr Weir) living in the suburbs a bright Christian household who afterward drove me with others of his family to the mission room. Our hearts have been much drawn to each other – I received a note on Saturday from a lady living near Shanghai called Shaw whose daughters at Hounslow had met Henry and had heard from him of my intended visit and they would be glad to have a call – one of the newspapers had a paragraph last Saturday announcing that I would conduct the service at the Masonic Hall on Lord's day evening which they noticed and not knowing at what Hotel I was staying she sent the letter to Mr Dyer who brought it to me. I called upon them on Lord's day afternoon and Mrs D. and two more daughters came in to the preaching last night.
I am all in the midst of packing up again having decided since I commenced this letter to avail myself of a steamer direct to Kobe in Japan and must be on board tonight some time so you must wait for an account of the very blessed day we had yesterday as I should not be in time for this week's mail from Japan. I shall leave this here to make sure of you getting a line.
I am really sorry to leave this place and the many dear friends the Lord has given me but I must move on – with much love once more to all our dear ones believe me my dearly beloved Angee with much love.
Being very affectionate Husband
Shall not have time to write Arundel this week but he will see this probably.