
Malta, Egypt, India, Burma…

March 30th, 1888

Rangoon, Burma

My Dear Harry,

Your letter of the 2nd inst. arrived with a good batch of others last Sunday and those from home are always a special comfort. Also received one from dear Mrs Box and have called on her friend her and written Mrs B too by this mail. You are having it cold, but we have the other extreme and for a few hours from 10 to 4 it is really like being in a furnace – the nights and mornings however are delightfully cool, so that I get good sleep. This is a very fine country abounding  in health and the Burmese are exceedingly kind and hospitable and have a great fancy for everything English – the trade here is simply prodigious, but others, beside the English are cutting into it – the Germans are especially active.

I have had a splendid week and my letter to P.F.&Co. by this mail will be a cheer to them I expect – between ourselves I may lay that I have done business with every respectable dealer in Rangoon except a few Jews who are keeping a feast and their places are all closed – have sold all our best goods and should think there are more Macaroons, Ratafias and Cocoa nuts in 2lb tins among the week's order than I should sell in England in 6 or 12 months.

Be careful how you refer to it out of doors as you know how soon the news would be carried elsewhere. The fact is that our patent soldiering is a decided improvement to H. & P.'s method and the trade and public are becoming alive to it.

I was quite making up my mind for China and Japan next, but my last from the works suggests my going down to Australia and New Zealand again first, also Tasmania which I missed on my last visit to those parts. So I am purposing please God to take steamer from Singapore to Western Australia in a few weeks. I well know what work is but assure you it is mere child's play compared to what I get. Everything and everybody is all strange and often the language comes in to make the difficulty greater. H. & P's hold on the Eastern market is simply amazing, but we shall have a good show by the side of them now as in England.

I am very thankful for the health and strength given me of God and the long experience in the business is a great advantage and it is a great pleasure to me to see the firm prosper. Glad you are getting on so well and have no doubt your covering the ground every 6 weeks will do some good.

The Lord graciously keep you my dear boy from evil men and things – I trust you will grow up to be a lover of good men and good things -  a man is known by the company he keeps. God bless you and dear Emma and your darling children and once more with much love to you all believe me my dear Harry.

Being very affectionate Father.

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