1886-87 - USA, Canada, Hawaii, Samoa, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Egypt


November 18th, 1886

The Bates House, Indianapolis

No doubt my cable on Monday was a surprise to you, as P.F. Co's proposal was certainly a great one to me. For some hours after receiving it I was greatly excited and had to lay it all before God in prayer and supplication that I may be in His good hand for His good pleasure, whichever course was adopted. Your reply to my cable shows me that you had understood the difficulty I felt. There was all the attractions of home and the loving hearts there pulling one way, but on the other I saw that so far as the seasons were concerned it would be better for me and the business to go to California now and probably reach Australia in their autumn.

I was very much impressed with the necessity of going on to California when at Kansas City - the business encouragement I was meeting with and reports from travellers made me desirous of visiting some leading points to the Pacific Coast. It will be quite a change for me will it not - I should have soon thought of being set upon a throne as being a traveller round the world. Through the mercy of God and my confidence in His fatherly care and goodness I feel quite happy about it, now that you have given your consent and I have cabled P.F. Co saying that I am "ready via California now" and just waiting their reply to confirm. Shall work on to New York as proposed and as soon as I have received needfuls from England, shall go West probably to Omaha, Denver, Salt Lake and a few other points and endeavour to reach San Francisco by Xmas. Shall probably spend a month or so there and then sail for Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania - on leaving that part they suggest my visiting Singapore and then the Cape, afterwards home. Well my dearly beloved wife, I know all that is in your heart about it because I know all this is in my own and my comfort will be that not only are you the object of a Father's care, but that you are also surrounded by our loving children and grandchildren and loving sisters and friends, who I know will do all in their power for your happiness. I shall instruct P.F. Co. to forward you £50 at Xmas and £50 at Lady day and every quarter until my return. I expect this will suffice for your need. Arundel will attend to a few other little matters, details of which I write him about.

The arrangement he has made with Mr. Tucker is a very satisfactory one for us, for which I am thankful. Dear Harry seems to be getting on nicely with my work at home which is a great mercy to us all, as it is good experience for him and he is earning his living. Was not much surprised to hear of Henry's proposed marriage - he has not had much comfort in that way and I hope she will make him happy. Perhaps dear Martha may like to stay with you for a bit.

Give my very kind love to all the dear brethren and tell them I am very thankful for their prayers and hope they will continue to pray for me. Much love also to dear Mr. MacAlpin and the many friends who have kindly enquired for me. Shall cable you on receiving P.F.Co's confirmation to send me all your photos to New York so as I get them there by December 1 or 2. Have done some nice business this week at Louisville about 120 miles from here - South - with 2 leading merchants there and soon go on to Cincinnati, Columbus and Pittsburgh thence Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York.

My cable from London just received: "Proceed California, Australia".

With much love to you my dearest Angee and all our loved ones believe me.

Being affectionate Husband

Windsor Hotel - New York up Dec 6.

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